I have never met a person who didn’t have any thoughts of unworthiness.
Unworthiness is in the very fabric of our culture.
It’s disconnecting us from ourselves and from having fulfilling relationships.
It’s preventing us from living our potential.
But no one tells you what to do about your unworthiness - other than accomplishing new goals.
Which, by the way, doesn’t make you feel any more worthy.
If you have been dealing with thoughts of unworthiness lately, consider this an invitation.
An invitation to stop…
…blaming others for whatever isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.
…controlling every outcome of every situation, especially things over which you have no control.
…feeling frustrated over success that hasn’t happened yet. Or because you haven’t met your ideal partner yet.
…resisting, which can look like hitting the snooze button in the morning, or telling yourself you’re too busy for your morning practice; or avoiding the very task you know you need to do.
This is an invitation to stop living in the past and worrying about the future.
Being worthy is living in the presence.
It’s being accountable.
It’s showing up every single day, even if you don’t feel like it, or you’re uninspired, tired, or when you don’t believe you have what it takes.
Yet, you still show up for yourself.
Without any expectation of how everything will work out.
I know, that’s the tricky part.
Yet, you show up, trusting that it will work out.
You surrender the outcome to the unknown.
That’s worthiness.
That’s you connecting with your higher self.
You know, that part of you that knows and that wants to help lead you toward your highest good.
That part of you is only accessible when you feel worthy of receiving it.
Worthiness, then, is an invitation to self-connection.
What’s one thing you’ve felt unworthy about lately?
Perfectly timed Unni … putting down the iPad and off to the Crossfit class 😬👊🏻😎🥳